Monday, October 20, 2014

Wendy Davis Ad.

Rick Perry vs. The World Texas blog of Monday, October 10, 2014 carries a blog written by Evan with the heading Wendy Davis is a Karl Rove plant. The blog begins with comparing Karl Rove who is an American Republican political consultant and policy advisor, and Wendy Davis who is a canidate running for governor in Texas. The author expresses his beliefs by saying Wendy Davis is being orchastrated by Karl Rove in her candidacy. The author explains how Davis has sucked money out of competitive districts and how Davis is the worst possible candidate imaginable to win latino swing votes. Author explains how Davis will most likely get the Latinos who are strongly identified as Democrats but in the end will certainly not drive turnout from disaffected democrats. Due to her primary loss in south Texas counties. And how she couldn't even get Latinos to vote for her over a no-name in the primary. Author Evan ends his blog with how bad Davis's wheelchair ad was not only ridiculous but also destroyed any chance Leticia Van de Putte had of getting traction. Karl Rove was know for False information and avoiding important debates, and author Evan is point is to show how Wendy Davis is candidany portrays Karl Rove. Evans main audience is people for Wendy Davis, so he can open their eyes to her flaws as a runner up for governor. Author Evans is a graduate from rice University who has been writer and blogger for years.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Truancy plan can reduce prison flow

On Friday, September 19, 2014, the San Antonio Express News published an article titled Truancy plan could reduce prison flow. School districts in Bexar County are trying to lead students in the right path to graduate, by minimizing school districts' loss of state attendance funding. Bexar County tries on these new strategies while other Texas schools witness how this will play out. One great outcome this plan can provide is by giving students another chance in having a clean record and good resumes so they can start their adults lives in the right path instead of having a small mistake they once did in high school affect them in their near future. Truant students will still face disciplinary measures if they don't take this serious. This process is not free and parent involvement can lead to success for this plan. In order to be in this plan the student and their parents will have to sign formal agreements. This plan is also beneficial to the state and parents because it can be expensive and time-consuming coming to court for missing school. Rey Saldana, who develop the plan feels that this can help reduce the number of students who end up in prison with widespread support. I personally think this is a great opportunity for students to have a second chance in going through the right path in finishing high school. I don't think by making some bad choices such as skipping class should affect someones goals that they may have in the future. The only concern I have is students taking advantage of this plan, I believe there should be consequences for those who do break this plan. I think as a teenager we do things for fun and don't really take things serious or see how some of our mistake can have consequences. I can personally say I view things much differently now then when I was in high school. I take things more serious and am more aware of my actions. Hopefully this plan can have a positive impact and eventually have other school be part of this as well.