A mother of a Tippit Middle School student is very upset in how police are handling her son's cases. After posts on social media indicated her 14-year old son will be framed for murder of a student. According to School districts leaders, a group of students made several of post on Instgram, saying they will kill two students and frame another one for the murder. The mother of the 14 year old is shock about the situation. Some of the things that were mentioned in the post were the supplies needed for the crime and also writing in a post saying " Okay, we're gonna need a pack of zip ties, a slinky, a comb, like a prison comb… and some bleach." After Georgetown police officers got involved and spoke to the individuals, they were very apologetic and they didn't mean it to be taken seriously.
The mother of who's sons was going to be framed is wants to peruse of and press charges for those that were involved. She believes if nothing is being done students may think its okay to this and get away with it without any consequences involved. The three students involved were suspended from school and given community services. They are waiting to hear if these threats will land them in legal criminal charges. Since theses threats were made online it makes it difficult to decided what to do. On December 10, 2014 KVUE News just released an article titled "Students who made online threats will not face charges" Georgetown police Department and the School District said "the facts presented did not support a finding of probable cause to file criminal charges... but they will continue to motor the situation " The three students will not be charged for the threats that they made online.
I believe something should be done, there are many cases were students get bullied, picked on, etc. and nothing gets done because these are threats being made online. Sadly, in some cases young children get tired of being picked on and end there lives. Online threats should be taken more seriously and something new needs to be done in order to prevent this from happening again.
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